Vision & Mission Statement

Our vision is to sustain the life history requirements of mallard ducks in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley through healthy hardwood stands and other wetland complexes, and consistently offer the nation’s highest quality waterfowl hunting experiences on both private and publicly held properties.


The mission of Five Oaks Ag Research and Education Center is to sustain and increase a vanishing bottomland hardwood forest ecosystem using the life history requirements of the mallard duck as indicators of the health of the ecosystem, and develop scientific professionals and guide public and private forest management to increase this critical wetland ecosystem complex.


Take a look at our Annual Report

Governing Board

  • George Dunklin

    Founder and President
    FOAgREC Board Member

  • Dale Hall

    Vice President
    FOAgREC Board Member

  • Ted Dickey

    FOAgREC Board Member

  • Jody Pagan

    Chair of FOAgREC
    Research Committee

  • Doug Osborne, Ph.D

    Program Director

Everything we do today to benefit wetlands and waterfowl is a legacy that we are leaving to our children and grandchildren.

Dale Hall
Vice President of FOAgREC and
Former CEO of Ducks Unlimited




Sitka Scholars

The University of Arkansas at Monticello Graduate Certificate Program in Waterfowl Habitat and Recreation Management Program 2022-2023 Class has been selected. From left to right:

Eli Stinson (Louisiana Tech), Samantha Spaulding (SUNY-Cobleskill), Elijah Wojohn (LSU), Clayton Ernzen (Michigan State)

Congratulations Grads!

Congratulations to the first class of graduates of the University of Arkansas at Monticello Graduate Certificate Program in Waterfowl Habitat and Recreation Management Program. From left to right:

Delanie Warren
Katherine Allen
Brandon Bennett
Cole Howard